About Us



Gallery of Projects


GO with US

Have enough Courage to start, have enough Faith to finish.

Helping Hands Ministry

Over our 51 years of marriage, we look back and see God’s hand in preparation for this ministry. Beginning with our time spent renovating every house that we owned ourselves, the building of 85 tsunami homes in Sri Lanka, our wallpaper/painting business, and the renovations of the 5 acre property in McAllen, Texas. God truly had a plan in preparing us for the Helping Hands Ministry.

Gallery of Projects

Our goal is to bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father by way of extending our hand in Christlike love to our brothers and sister in Christ serving all over the world’ with acts of service and encouragement while staying in their homes. Our simple way of saying this is…


Our team

Mick & Marsha Whitney


Mick and Marsha have been married for 51 years, and they have served 20 years as missionaries in various places. They raised 3 sons (Shadrach, Jeshuah & Simon Peter), who are all married (respectively Maria, Tanna & Marta. They have 5 granddaughters (Lily, Emma, Mia, Maci & Abbie) and a grandson (Henry).

Micki Berggrin

Home Base Manager

Mickey Berggrin is their dear long-time friend who does so much for the Helping Hands Ministry that words could not tell. She takes care of the home front while Mick and Marsha are overseas with a project.

Lillian Whitney (Princess Leia)

Web Designer

Lily Whitney is their oldest granddaughter and the designer of this website. She has spent many painstaking hours to build the site. If you are interested in securing her for a website you many need designed, you can reach her by Email, LinkedIn, or Portfolio Website.